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Tired but Wired?! Sleep into Emotional Fitness

Did you know lack of sleep impacts your MOOD and EMOTIONAL Fitness?! 

In today’s uncertain world, the benefits of SLEEP keep stacking up. Here’s another: EMOTION REGULATION.

There’s ample evidence that shows rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, or dream sleep, helps people consolidate their …

Treat Your Body Like a Truck, Not a Temple

“Fear is good, failure isn’t bad, and you should treat your body like a truck, not a temple.” -Laird Hamilton

The Journey to RISE Active Healing + Active Wellness model includes working to be the best version of self at every age!  Big wave surfer, Laird Hamilton, seems to have …

Reignite Your Vitality

Aging can sap our physical, mental, and sexual vitality. And many of us surrender to the seeming inevitability of less and less energy as we get older. ageLOC® Vitality is a product that raises baseline energy levels and supports youthful vitality in areas that typically decline as we age: physical vigor, mental acuity, and sexual health.

Understanding The Science of Vitality First

Our cells contain tiny cellular “power plants” called mitochondria responsible for creating the chemical energy that fuels our bodies. They continuously deliver the energy molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that powers our cellular processes. Unfortunately, as we age the robustness of our mitochondria decline and our energy production can’t keep up with our bodies’ demands. It’s why we get tired more quickly and our mental sharpness declines. Some of this decline can be associated with age-related changes in expression of key gene groups associated with aging.

When Science and Solution Converge

By understanding how gene expression influences aging, ageLOC Vitality supports youthful gene expression to help us feel young again. ageLOC Vitality delivers its benefits through targeting a specific gene expression pattern related to aging and contains a proprietary blend of ingredients that impact organs like the rain, muscle, and heart differently. It’s the only product specifically designed to target the sources of age-related vitality loss and to promote gene expression patterns associated with youthful vitality.

Who Can Benefit?

People over the age of 18 who have ever felt tired, a loss of vitality, or an inability to engage in an active life and want to renew their youthful vitality can benefit.

Interested in ageLOC Vitality? 

Call/text 303.448.8843 to explore ways to boost VITALITY on your physician guided Journey to RISE.

The Gift of Gratitude

The holiday season can be a happy, exciting, and stressful time of year. But there’s one habit shown to change you and your brain for the better. GRATITUDE. It’s already been shown to help well-functioning people, but can it help those struggling with mental health?

The Study Into Gratitude …

Sound Bath of Science for Health and Wellness

There’s a lot of news out there that could put anyone on edge these days (especially the chaos in Afghanistan and the upcoming 20th anniversary of 9/11). Add a global pandemic on top- the stress and anxiety can become too much for many people.

Rx: Water – Best Medicine for Health & Happiness

“Water is medicine for those who need it most… and everyone else.” – Dr. Wallace J. Nichols

Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do

Welcome Summer! It’s Time to Amp Up Your Sunshine Health

On June 20th, 2021 we welcome summer! Summer is the perfect time to amp up your vitamin D to rev up your health.

Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin.” And we already know that getting outside is good …