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Embrace Your Fear and THRIVE!

Are you ready to turn your fear into your superpower? Let’s DIVE into how embracing discomfort can lead to amazing growth and resilience!

Fear: Your Secret Weapon for Personal Growth

Ever notice how your palms get sweaty and your heart races when you’re about to …

DANCE Your Way to Brain Health

Who doesn’t LOVE to dance?!

You should dance more! Dancing isn’t just fun and a great workout, it’s also fantastic for your brain. Let’s go ahead and dive into the science behind shaking your behind.

Dancing Unlocks Your Brain’s Potential

Think of dancing as a full workout session for your …

Love Yourself into Happy and Healthy Longevity

You are LOVED. You are CHERISHED. You are COMPLETE.

As they instruct on an airplane, you have to put your mask on first before putting a mask on others.

And as it relates to love, it’s hard to give love if you don’t love yourself. Let’s explore how self-love …

Why you NEED to Get Out in the Sun!

Morning Sunshine: Your ULTIMATE Biohack

Did you know that your path to AMAZING health is as simple as 10 minutes of direct sunlight first thing in the morning?! NOTE: Sun even on cloudy days.

Circadian Entropy is the fancy neuroscience name for this: Embrace Sunshine: Your Ticket to Boosted …

Unplug to Recharge: Time to Digital Detox for the Health of it

What is the best way to close out summer?!

Answer from the experts (& Dr. Stilp herself):  Send a day (or 3) in Detox

  • BioHack your brain
  • Relieve stress and anxiety
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase productivity
  • Cultivate deeper connection with self and others
  • Simply, explore and experience …

A DOG a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

To be the healthiest, it may be time to add a dog (or another) to your family.

The Health Benefits of Canine Companionship are Numerous!

Neuroscientists can now confirm what many …

Gotta Have FAITH for Good Health

Religion, spirituality, and FAITH impacts on our purpose, values, and experience. Faith can also have an effect on our health.

Attitude + Gratitude = Health

Although there isn’t a lot of peer reviewed research on the impact of faith on health, there have been many mental health studies (with implications for …