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My Favorite Fitness Advice in 2017

I’m so proud of the fact that I’ve got a blog to share fitness, nutrition and exercise advice to help you maintain a happy and healthy life. The blog covered a lot of ground and I thought I’d use the last post of 2017 to reflect on the tips covered over the past year.

I thought it would be fun to succinctly wrap up my favorite tips from the past year:

And for next year, I’ve got a lot of fun topics planned.

Topics for 2018 will include:

  • The benefits of being stronger (hint: pump that iron)
  • Understanding sleep cycles
  • Your love (or hatred) of running might be genetic
  • Platelet-rich Plasma versus Amniotic Fluid injections
  • Is being an endorphin junky good for your health?
  • Favorite DIY energy bar recipes

Thank you for reading this past year and please share with friends, family, and anyone interested in fitness, nutrition and exercise. If there’s a topic you have that you’d like me to cover, let me know. Have a happy and healthy New Year!

I will be doing everything I can to eat holiday cookies and red/green M&Ms (they always taste better in holiday appropriate colors) in moderation while hoping for more snow.  If you have questions or want to get a program started contact me.   Sonja Stilp, M.D. 



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