Read the latest on sports medicine, therapy and performance

Lift Weights to Delay Death

strength + muscle mass = mortality

Did you know your muscle strength can determine how long (& well) you live?

We all likely know recommended weekly exercise goal to stay healthy: 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. But an important, often forgotten …

A DOG a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

To be the healthiest, it may be time to add a dog (or another) to your family.

The Health Benefits of Canine Companionship are Numerous!

Neuroscientists can now confirm what many …

Conquer ‘Time Poverty’… Even if Don’t Have Time

2023 has just started.. and do you already feel you are in the whirlwind of not enough time?!   If so, you may be suffering from TIME POVERTY.   Keep reading for a prescription… HINT: use the nights to stargaze not screengaze (yup, that’s a made up word)!

Gotta Have FAITH for Good Health

Religion, spirituality, and FAITH impacts on our purpose, values, and experience. Faith can also have an effect on our health.

Attitude + Gratitude = Health

Although there isn’t a lot of peer reviewed research on the impact of faith on health, there have been many mental health studies (with implications for …

Unleash Your Power with Gratitude

November is the month of being THANKFUL and GRATEFUL.
Living in gratitude is a mindset, an emotion, a deep-churning spring of mental and physical power just waiting to be unleashed. We prioritize diet, exercise and sleep when it comes to our health and fitness, but we should also …

BioHack Your Gut Microbiome

We have all heard ‘Follow Your GUT’..  it is a REAL thing!

More and more research supports the GUT Microbiome as the most important PATH to health and wellness.

Our gut is made up of trillions of bacteria that help our bodies do everything from synthesizing vitamins …