Read the latest on sports medicine, therapy and performance

Unleash Your Power with Gratitude

November is the month of being THANKFUL and GRATEFUL.
Living in gratitude is a mindset, an emotion, a deep-churning spring of mental and physical power just waiting to be unleashed. We prioritize diet, exercise and sleep when it comes to our health and fitness, but we should also …

BioHack Your Gut Microbiome

We have all heard ‘Follow Your GUT’..  it is a REAL thing!

More and more research supports the GUT Microbiome as the most important PATH to health and wellness.

Our gut is made up of trillions of bacteria that help our bodies do everything from synthesizing vitamins …

Use Your Body to Heal Your Body

It is time to PUMP up your STRENGTH!

Did you know that there is more to strengthen than simply hitting the gym to pump iron?!

The human body is the most INCREDIBLE machine on the planet with a BUILT IN system to STRENGTHEN.  And, strengthen is the 3rd pillar …

Feeling Disregulated?! : Time to Try Something NEW

innovate = to try something new. make changes to anything established

If old school medicine ‘take 2 pills and see me back in office when doctor can maybe get you in’ model does NOT work for you… it may be time to interrupt the Healthcare system.  Step into …

Tired but Wired?! Sleep into Emotional Fitness

Did you know lack of sleep impacts your MOOD and EMOTIONAL Fitness?! 

In today’s uncertain world, the benefits of SLEEP keep stacking up. Here’s another: EMOTION REGULATION.

There’s ample evidence that shows rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, or dream sleep, helps people consolidate their …

Foods for a Better Mood

You are what you eat. And what you eat can have a significant impact on how you feel. Eating a donut may be enjoyable for a few brief moments, but it won’t make you feel as good as fresh fruit for breakfast. But you can’t just eat fresh fruit …