Read the latest on sports medicine, therapy and performance

Peanut Butter: The Perfect Sport Food?

Despite the proliferation of bars, gels, and goos in sports, there’s one food that continues to stand the test of time: peanut butter.

If you’re someone who prides themselves on their active lifestyle, consider working peanut butter into your diet (assuming you’re not allergic to peanuts, of course).

If peanut butter …

What Happens When You Stop Working Out

We love to get into our exercise routines, but what happens when work travel, out-of-town guests, an injury, or rest days keep you from exercising longer than you anticipated?

Taking time off from exercise is good for your body. But taking too long can affect physiological changes the next day, …

Time to HIIT Up Your Training

High intensity interval training, or HIIT, is gaining in popularity due to its efficiency and effectiveness. HIIT is an ideal workout for all types of athletes and their schedules.

What is HIIT training?

HIIT alternates bouts of brief, high-intensity activity with lower intensity recovery periods until you’re too exhausted to continue. …

Mindfully Meditate Stress and Pain Away

Forget prescription drugs. Mindful meditation has been shown to reduce and negate the effects of stress and pain. Researchers continue to unearth scientific breakthroughs related to meditation and its effects on our health.

Mindfulness Meditation for Stress

A 2011 Harvard study found that people who meditated for eight weeks increased the …

Stretch or Don’t Stretch? It Depends

Back in the day, we stretched before exercise. Then we found that stretching before exercise reduces performance and actually increases the risk of injury. But now, a comprehensive review of research concludes stretching isn’t that bad after all.

Are you pulling your hair out yet? Which is it? Stretch? Or don’t stretch?

Stretching: What …

Yoga and Pilates to Treat Low Back Pain

Thirty-one million people suffer from low back pain at any given time. And what’s more, one-half of working Americans admit having back pain symptoms each year. What’s to be done?

The Significant Benefits of Therapeutic Exercise

There are many interventions for low back pain, but most have modest efficacy. And when …

What is an EMG and Nerve Conduction Study?

If you’re feeling pain, tingling, weakness, or numbness an electromyogram (EMG) and nerve conduction study is a prudent course of action. If your doctor orders an EMG or nerve conduction study, she’s simply conducting an electrical test of your nerves and muscles to find the places where your symptoms …